More commonly written Kabbalah, and also written Qabala, Qabbala, Cabalah etc. More commonly written kebab, kebap, kebob, kibob, kebhav, kephav, kebabie, or kabob Q or q, the 17th letter of the modern English alphabetĪ dish consisting of pieces of seasoned meat Middle English, from Latin quinquefolium, from quinque 'five' + folium 'leaf'Ī trimming of cock feathers on a woman's hatĪn Arabic script used in Persian writingsĪlso written nasta'liq, nestaliq, nastaleeq, or shortened to just taliq Ī veil for the lower-face worn by some Muslim women

The number five, as signified in dice or cardsĪ plant of the genus Potentilla, or an ornamental design thereof Urdu and Persian burqa, from Arabic burqu` In American and Canadian English, there are currently 4,422 words with Q not followed by U including the following words in the table below.Ī veiled garment worn by some Muslim women The sources given are selective, and the absence of a reference to a particular dictionary does not necessarily mean that the word does not appear in that dictionary. References in the "Sources" column relate to the headword in column one variant spellings are then separately referenced. Unless noted otherwise, all words listed here are assumed to be pluralized by adding -s or -es. Saqqara (an ancient burial ground in Egypt) is a proper noun notable for its use of a double Q. Other proper names and acronyms that have attained the status of English words include Compaq (a computer company), Nasdaq (a US electronic stock market), Qantas (an Australian airline), and QinetiQ (a British technology company). Qaqortoq, in Greenland, is notable for having three such Qs. Iqaluit, the capital of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, also has a Q that is not directly followed by a U. The most familiar of these are the countries of Iraq and Qatar, along with the derived words Iraqi and Qatari.

There are, in addition, many place names and personal names, mostly originating from Arabic-speaking countries, Albania, or China, that have a Q without a U. Proper nouns are not included in the list. For words to appear here, they must appear in their own entry in a dictionary words that occur only as part of a longer phrase are not included. Of the 82 words in this list, 78 are (or can be) interpreted as nouns, and most would generally be considered loanwords However, all of the loanwords on this list are considered to be naturalised in English according to at least one major dictionary (see References), often because they refer to concepts or societal roles that do not have an accurate equivalent in English. However, alternative spellings are sometimes accepted, which use K (or sometimes C) in place of Q for example, Koran ( Qur'ān) and Cairo ( al-Qāhira). In Arabic, the letter ق, traditionally romanised as Q, is quite distinct from ك, traditionally romanised as K for example, قلب /qalb/ means "heart" but كلب /kalb/ means "dog".

In other examples, Q represents in standard Arabic, such as in qat, faqir and Qur'ān. For example, in the Chinese pinyin alphabet, qi is pronounced /tʃi/ (similar to "chi" in English) by an English speaker, as pinyin uses "q" to represent the sound, which is approximated as (ch) in English. The majority of these are anglicised from Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Inuktitut, or other languages that do not use the English alphabet, with Q representing a sound not found in English. In English, the letter Q is usually followed by the letter U, but there are some exceptions. Like 32 of the 72 other English words that use a q not followed by a u, souq is of Arabic origin.