These are very similar to the quests that we have already seen in the game previously.Įssentially, the card will have a sidequest that you can do during the match and, if completed, you will get a powerful reward.

There is a new gameplay feature for players to use in the form of sidequests. However, invoke isn’t the only new feature to be added in the game with the upcoming expansion. The new invoke keyword is slightly confusing at this time and it will take some more time to really grasp what it will mean in Hearthstone Descent of Dragons expansion. Galakrond himself will grow in power as he is invoked and actually evolve into a second and third form of himself, each one stronger and more terrifying than the last.
#Hearthstone expansion 2019 upgrade
This card can be invoked using the new invoke keyword to upgrade this. It has the battlecry of allowing you to draw a card right when it is summoned and that card, no matter what it is, will cost no mana to use. This legendary creature card costs a whopping seven mana to summon and has the defense of five. One of Galakrond’s cards was also shown off in the form of Galakrond, the Nightmare. It costs two mana to use this hero power and what it does is let the player add a lackey to their hand. One of the examples of this given is the Mage class hero power that is called Galakrond’s Guile.

#Hearthstone expansion 2019 plus
Each version of the dragon will come with a new battlecry that is powerful plus a new hero power for players to use in battle. Those five hero cards will represent five of the classes in the game, including Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Rogue, and the Priest classes. Not only is there a special legendary creature card to represent the villainous creature but it has spawned five parts of itself that will each be one of five new hero cards for players to choose. The Hearthstone Descent of Dragons expansion will, first and foremost, introduce the Galakrond protodragon to the card game. Players won’t have to wait long to find out more about the game either as we have a general idea of what the new expansion will be like with new cards and other announcements sure to come in the next month or so leading up to its release. Players will need to help the League of Explorers stop the protodragon and the evil villains as they enact the final phase of their plan when the Hearthstone Descent of Dragons expansion launches in just over a month on December 10. Despite the efforts of the heroic explorers in the most recent summer expansion, the League of Evil has successfully escaped Uldum with the Plague of Undeath and enacted their plan to resurrect the progenitor of dragonkind named Galakrond. Those two expansions started a League of Evil and League of Explorers storyline this year that is looking to come to a head in the third and final expansion for 2019. Descent of Dragons is the latest entry in the card game franchise and will continue the storyline that was established by the recent expansions this year like Rise of Shadows and Saviors of Uldum. Players can look forward to the next card set for the game in Hearthstone Descent of Dragons expansion. Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Descent of Dragons and Release Date One of the biggest announcements to be made is regarding the new expansion for Hearthstone, coming later this year called: Hearthstone Descent of Dragons. This theory is supported by the fact that Hunter just got a new Hero card in the form of Zul’jin through the Rastakhan’s Rumble expansion.By Cody Perez in Hearthstone | Nov, 1st 2019īlizzard is hosting the annual BlizzCon 2019 in Anaheim, California right now and more announcements are coming out of the exciting opening ceremony for the convention. Since so many of the Hero cards, like Frost Lich Jaina, are rotating out of standard, there’s speculation that the first new expansion of 2019 will bring more Hero cards with it. Regardless of what the new expansion brings with it, it’s certain to shake things up. The hope within most of the community seems to be that whatever expansion Blizzard decides to release in April will change the meta in such a way that underpowered classes will once again be viable. Many players feel that the reason why the meta is in such a stale place right now is because Blizzard is hesitant to make more major changes before these expansions rotate out in April. Losing Knights of the Frozen Throne alone would be enough to drastically change the meta, since this means that the Death Knight Hero cards from the expansion that are in nearly every deck will no longer be available for play. This means the game will be losing a majority of the cards that make up the decks in the current meta. In April, Un’goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, and Kobolds and Catacombs will all be rotating out of standard play. Many players hope the current meta is merely a symptom of the impending standard rotation.